Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tessa Carlson

So my first post is all about the first girl ever to be eliminated on America's Next Top Model... Tessa Carlson!

We don't really know much about Tessa... she's rather mysterious. She was on ANTM for like... two seconds, and then BOOM, she's gone. I guess she's a waitress now? *claps sarcastically* Not that that's a bad thing... not everyone can be as fabulous as they want to be. Tessa was born in 1984 in Chicago. That makes her 19 when she was on the show... and 26 now. Damn. She is older than dirt. Well... I couldn't really find anything else about Tessa... she's a rather boring contestant and makes a blog post very bland. I am ashamed.

 Remember when Tessa first walked through that door? All the girls were like... daaaaamn, who dat (mostly because of that disgusting top)? Sounds like Tessa was a little nervy. As she should've been... Robin was gonna slap her ass with a Bible if she got eliminated over Tessa! 

Tessa was eliminated first on the show... due to her lack of personality and jank posing. Hold on, let me go grab her photo.

I mean, it's not horrible... but it's rather awkward. It looks like she's brushing an ant off of her foot. Or scratching her ass. I don't really know. So yeah... that's her only photo on the show. Thank god she was eliminated, because I have a feeling that this is the best she would've produced. Here's Tessa making history as producing the first elimination-worthy photo in the history of ANTM.

 Seriously... the photographer had to pose her himself... not something we'd like to have on the show, Tess. Not at all. And she was one of the girls that Tyra brought after the girls made it into the house, am I correct? Yes, I think I am. Well, Tessa, we'll definitely miss you. Let's watch you get eliminated one more time.

It really is heartbreaking... especially for her, I mean who would want to be known as the first girl to be eliminated on America's Next Top Model? That would suck balls! Seriously... I would not want to be her. 

Well... honestly she reminds me of this girl from MadTV:

Stephanie Weir, everyone! I think I like Stephanie Weir better, because she doesn't wear 90's jean jackets like Tessa does. On the show, she looked older than 19... and I hated her hair color. Even though it's what fit her best. I guess I just thought she looked like a waitress working full time to pay for college. Not a model at all. That's my final view on Tessa Carlson. And to Tyra, I say thank you for eliminating her first. I wish I could find more about Tessa... let me look harder for a couple minutes.


*comes back*

Ooooooooooooooo I found an interview! Yay me! On My other website! (totally not my other website...) Let's she what Tessa has to say!

Very upbeat, Tessa described her experience on the show as just that: an experience - which is what she was looking for. She was inspired to audition for the show when she saw a commercial for the auditions the night before. She headed down to the bar where the auditions were being held, and after bribing a girl to trade numbers so she could go sooner, she had her chance. The effort paid off. She was one of the final girls chosen to be on America's Next Top Model. Not new to the world of modeling, Tessa began at the age of 12 in St. Louis. She moved to Chicago looking for her "big break" after high school. When asked if she thought this was it, she said she was hopeful that it was a definite step in the right direction. Tessa hoped to learn a bit more by being on the show and would have liked more advice and support. The advice she is sure the other girls will receive the longer they are there.

Her brief stay did have some excitement. And yes - it was freezing up on the rooftop for the swimsuit shoot. "Couldn't you tell?" she laughed over the phone when asked about it. "I was really looking forward to being off that roof." At 10 degrees who could blame her? She was also there long enough to choose some of her favorites - although she stated that she doesn't know who will win. "Adrianne is not typical. She's opinionated and outspoken. I like that. Ebony has that unique look you don't see often."

Living your life on TV can be a bit overwhelming for many - but not Tessa. "I think I was portrayed pretty well. The end was sad. Of course a lot of what was filmed was cut out that showed my personality. I really let loose and had a good time and I don't think that it showed."

Which brings us to Tyra Banks' comment about Tessa not having personality. "I used to like Tyra. I do have a personality and Tyra said I didn't. I don't dislike her, but she didn't seem like she said she was. She was all about how she really cared for the girls and wanted to help. I just didn't see it. But I was only there a couple of days, too."

When asked if it was harder to leave the girls that she met on the show or to leave the show itself she exclaimed "I didn't want to leave New York! It was my first time there." But it wasn't just the scenery she was leaving behind. With a Revlon contract hanging in the balance, it was disappointing to realize that she was also leaving that opportunity. "But hopefully a lot of people will watch the show. I hope it gets good ratings. It was a great experience." She is also hoping for a reunion. "I'd love to see the other girls again. See how much they've changed and grown."

Overall, Tessa believes it was fair. "They have an idea of what they want and I wasn't it. Hopefully they find it." And she will continue pursuing her dream of becoming a "Top Model". Just as she encourages everyone to "stick with it" - we think she should do the same.

So Tessa WAS an upbeat, fun girl... too bad we didn't really even get a glimpse of any of that. She seems really nice and down-to-earth. She describes herself as "Sexy, Crazy, and Cool" in a different section of the interview... I didn't find her very sexy or crazy, but goddammit she seemed like a cool gal. So props to you, Tess, for being cool. And I'm done.

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